How to File a Consumer Protection Online Complaint Form ?

Customers who pay for a product or service have the right to sue if they receive poor-quality goods or services. This is why the government provides consumers with a variety of legal rights and protections to file grievances, such as the ability to use an online complaint form to file a complaint with a business or service provider in a consumer court forum. If a firm ignores a legal warning to rectify the problem, a complaint is frequently filed, and for this, relevant information with documents must be supplied while registering an online consumer complaint form to be filed in India's consumer court.

So, if you don't know how to register a consumer protection online complaint form, you can read this article to gain some fundamental information. In addition, the Legalraasta team is on hand to register an online consumer complaint form.

Read also this -: Who do I Contact for Consumer Complaints

Numerous advantages to registering an online consumer complaint.

  • If you submit an online complaint form, the damaged item will be replaced or the goods and services will be corrected.
  • All legal fees, including the complaint, will be refunded, as will the total payment.
  • If you register an online complaint form, you will be paid for any suffering or loss, such as emotional distress, caused by a flaw in a product or service.
  • The vendor will be required to halt unfair trading practices because the complaint will be taken directly to the state in which the firm is located.
  • Who can file a Complaint?

    A variety of persons or groups are entitled to make a complaint in the consumer forums for redressal. A consumer is defined as an individual who purchases goods or services for monetary consideration, excluding any consumer who obtains the goods or services for resale or commercial purposes, such as online or offline shopping.

    Voluntary Consumer Associations (VCAs) must be registered in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act or any other applicable legislation at the time.

    State or central governments, as well as groups of customers with similar interests, can file an online consumer complaint form. It should be emphasized that a consumer complaint cannot be lodged on behalf of unidentified public consumers or by a non-registered association under the Companies Act or other relevant legislation.

    Procedure for filling out online consumer complaint form.

  • The complainant or his representative may file the complaint in person, by mail addressed to the appropriate consumer forum in India or redressal agency, or by telephone.
  • When filing a complaint with a district forum or state commission, it must be done in three sets, and when filing with the national commission, it must be done in four sets.
  • Every online consumer complaint form must include details of the disagreement and the redress sought, as well as copies of the relevant documents to support the complaint's claims.
  • In order to address consumer complaints and grievances, the Consumer Coordination Council and the Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India, manage the consumer online resource and empowerment center, which is a formal and official grievance redressal system common in India.
  • Read also this -: Top 10 Most Common Consumer Complaints


    So, in order to make the process of resolving consumer complaints easier, the government has made it possible to submit a consumer complaint via an online form. A consumer who is dissatisfied with the products and services can file a complaint online at the National Consumer Helpline on the official website of the government.


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