How do I Complain about Consumers Online?

As consumers, we have all faced instances where we were dissatisfied with a product or service we received. In such cases, it is essential to voice our grievances and complaints so that we can seek a resolution to the issue. With the advent of technology, registering consumer complaints online has become the most convenient and efficient way to file a complaint. In this article, we will explore how to complain about consumers online in India.

The first step to registering a complaint online is to visit the official website of the concerned authority. In India, there are several platforms where consumers can register their complaints. Some of the most popular platforms include the National Consumer Helpline, the Consumer Online Resource and Empowerment Center (CORE), and the Consumer Complaints Forum. These websites offer a user-friendly interface where consumers can register their complaints and track their status.

Once you have visited the platform of your choice, you will need to provide details about the company against which you wish to file a complaint. It is essential to mention the name of the company, the product or service in question, and the specific issue that you have faced. It is also helpful to attach any supporting documents or evidence that can substantiate your claim.

After you have registered your complaint, the concerned authority will initiate an investigation into the matter. They will typically reach out to the company in question to seek a response to the complaint. In most cases, the company will offer a resolution to the issue, and the consumer can choose to accept or reject it.

If you are dissatisfied with the resolution offered by the company, you can escalate the matter to the relevant consumer court or forum. These forums have been set up by the government to provide a platform for consumers to seek redress for their grievances. The consumer court will review the evidence presented by both parties and provide a ruling in favor of one party.


In conclusion, filing consumer complaints online has become a popular and effective way for consumers to voice their grievances. By following the above steps, consumers can register their complaints and seek redress for their issues. If you have faced any issues with a product or service, do not hesitate to file a complaint online. It is your right as a consumer, and it is essential to exercise it. For more information on consumer complaints online, visit Legal Raasta, a leading legal service provider in India


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